What is your
Your zenGarden lets you tell us how you're feeling, and guides you through your injury.

Access what you need
The zenGarden home screen has navigation for the our most commonly used features. If you ever get lost, just go home!
From here access your diary, your medical schedule, your injury information, your personal info, your settings, and quick help for the application.
Tell us how you feel
Use our simple mood controller to let us know how you feel at any time. The more we know about you, the better we can help.
You can let us know how you feel about your actual injury (pain, discomfort, etc.) but also how you feel your injury case is being handled. You can also leave notes attached to each mood that alert managers to your issues.

Manage your time
Being seen by your doctor or a specialist is one of the most important events during your injury journey. Your zenGarden lets you track each one of them.
You can set your own appointments within the app, or your company's injury manager can schedule them for you.
Track your progress
Your injury is not completely solved until you are happy and back to work. The goal of Zenjuries and your zenGarden is to get you there as quickly as possible.
Your information center will let you view who is on your injury team, let you communicate with them, and have a listing of next-steps and important contact and non-HIPPA medical information.

zenGarden on the go
Your zenGarden is mobile-enabled as well as accessible from any desktop or laptop web browser, so you can manage your injury wherever you are.
Simply go to the iTunes or Play Store and download Zenjuries zenGarden (coming in Q2 2021), get login credentials from your employer, and you'll be on your way to a more hassle-free and pain-free injury recovery.